"Pretty is as Pretty Does"

"Pretty is as Pretty Does"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nature at its finest

Sunsets have always been a slight obsession of mine.  Well, I went with my boyfriend and his family to Lake Guntersville, AL and the sunsets were breathtaking!  I honestly did not want to leave.  

Yes, I was up close with deer and this time it did not involve me hitting any in a car! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Father's Day

Happy Early Father’s Day Scott

I know today isn’t Father’s Day, but my dad will be on a cruise so we are celebrating a little early. 
No matter how old I get I will always be my daddy’s little girl .   
Thank you for teaching me, loving me, guiding me, listening to me, and so many other things that you continually do.  I love you Daddy! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I think having plans are a really good thing.  However, when you get fixated on only your plans things can go bad quickly!  Lately I have tried to approach things/situations with a better attitude and an open mind.  This picture found on Pinterest is beautiful and so true.  Don't be afraid to make plans, but be open to the fact that God might have a bigger and better plan.  When things don't go how we feel they should it may just be his way of saying I have something better in mind.

I have a few plans of my own right now.  First, I am finishing up with an online class right now and then I will be an official college graduate in August!  Its great being able to say that after years of hard work and dedication.  Second, I plan to enter the Insurance industry, which will be a huge step in my life.  A step that I am eager about and that I am really looking forward to.  

Just a little something I thought I would share.



Catching up:

My dear friend Lauri (Meyer) Stewart got married May 12
This is a picture of Ashley, Lauri, and myself before we went to the church.
It was such a beautiful wedding and I am so glad I got to be a part of that special day!
My family at my little sister's dance recital Saturday night.  
The Marilyn Monroe statue in Chicago
I flew to Chicago to see this girl perform for show choir.  Such a proud big sister!